Shop for your next designer bag with confidence.

Nadine Collections is an independent online store bringing you the best quality Bags. We constantly update our amazing curated bags, and our handbags are always well inspected in-house before introducing them to our valuable and special buyers. Our catalogs include Totes, satchels, shoulder bags, and clutches handbags that come in different sizes.

Explore our collection of luxury bags made from Italian luxurious leather, such as Light soft grainy Calfskin, Rigid sturdy textured Calfskin and Buffalo Calf hide Calfskin, or from exotic skins including alligator, ostrich, and crocodile.


Each bag has it´s unique quality…

beauty and character designed by skilled craftsmen. All bags are fully hand stitched, handmade, 100 % Real Leather, and 100% Real Gold Plated hardware (gold or silver) guaranteed!

Our designer bags are ready for shipping within the USA and around the world. No wait and no delay. But, if you do not find your wish bag in our fabulous collection, we will be delighted to assist with a pre-order of your dream bag. At Nadine Collections, you will always be guaranteed the best and nothing but the best!

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